Monday, March 2, 2020

MKULTRA GIRL: Anatomy of a Fraud

"Unidentified white female between the age of 8 and 10 years old. The subject underwent 6 months of treatment using heavy doses of LSD, electroshock and sensory deprivation. Experiments under codename MKULTRA about early 60s. Subjects memory was erased and her brain is that of a newborn baby."

Image result for mkultra strain all urine photo


The CIA-funded MKULTRA mind control program at McGill ran from 1953-64. The infamous Dr. Cameron who directed it was fired in 1964, and died mountain climbing in 1967.

Reportedly the now-famous photo of the little girl strapped down to a table under a sign saying STRAIN ALL URINE, first surfaced on a Japanese blog in 2008. I first saw it at Aangirfan blog, where it has been used repeatedly as an illustration of classified experiments done on children in the MKULTRA project.

The girl in the "Strain All Urine" photo appears to be eight to ten years old.

Blogger and aerial photographer Ellen Atkin posted this image at her blog, alongside a photo of herself at "about eight years old in 1969."
Ellen Atkin's life changed on the day in October 2015 when she came across the viral photo of a little girl immobilized on a gurney, her chin and head restrained by a rope tied to the wall behind her. No one seems to know when and where this disturbing photo was taken, but Ellen pulled out a photo from her childhood album, and knew she had "a match."
 Either she "recognized herself" -- (she may very well have been through something similar since Canada has a long history of secret biological and chemical warfare research involving children) -- or, with her background in sales and marketing, she saw a chance to make some quick money and build an internet presence off another child's suffering.
Either way, she never looked back. Throwing herself into her project, she got to work replacing the original photo with an altered composite, and replacing the typewritten text with her own version:
 "My name is Ellen Atkin. In 2015 I discovered myself in this famous photo. I had already surmounted my difficult upbringing, but sought answers to the haunting trouble in my natal family. My mother was a patient of Dr. Ewan (sic) Cameron. My father had been in the psyche (sic) ward. My sister went crazy and my brother died young, Then as now, this subject is taboo. I am changing that by integrating my search for answers, quest for justice with my work as a visual artist and media influencer."

Having juxtaposed the images to create the illusion of "a match", she got the idea of copying the typeface on the original lab note, and presto! To the casual viewer now she's the subject of the experiment, and the centre of attention. Practically overnight she became clickbait. The doctored image started popping up in search engines and soon she was doing podcasts as "MkUltragirl" - survivor and savior of a generation – saint and guru and leader of Ultra Nation. She started out at Wolf Spirit Radio and worked her way up the conspiracy channels to Infowars with David Knight. 

Despite the holes in her narrative, strange pauses, snorts and even some barking noises she emits while groping for words -- and mostly thanks to aggressive self-promotion and AI savvy, the world now knows Ellen Atkin has "laid claim to the girl in the image." Not just the image, but the girl herself. "No one else has come close to my claim," she gloats, as if the whole world is vying to be tagged "917533" and tied to a bed like that child. Why didn’t I think of that?

To me it's obvious these are two different children. The girl on the gurney might be the same age, but has a rounder face, fuller lips and more prominent cheekbones. But what are facts and proof when you’re launching a media blitz? Pretending to be MkUltraGirl has become Atkin's full-time job:


Feeling the pressure of 'discovery,' she decided to go full throttle and really develop her brand. After all, that's what they tell you to do in those online marketing videos. Her next big step was to associate herself with a group of MKULTRA relatives survivors who were launching a class action lawsuit in Montreal. 

That's where things got a bit crazy.
Ellen already knew her mother, Emma Jane Crunican of London, Ontario had been a patient of the notorious Dr. Ewen Cameron. She had already blogged about her mother, and waged a small campaign for compensation back in the 1990s when the Canadian government was  handing out $100,000 to victims of mind control experiments at the Allan Memorial. And last year, Atkin allegedly managed to get McGill to cough up records for both her parents -- so we are told, and it may be true that Ellen and her two siblings grew up in a mind controlled family based in southwestern Ontario. If so, that's quite a story that ought to be told in our media. It should be fully investigated because it suggests the program extended across Canada.
Her claim that both her parents were in the McGill brainwashing program could entitle Ellen to compensation if the class action suit is approved and the lawyers win in Quebec court. But that could take years.
And meanwhile McGill has been busy for decades hiding the evidence, that is patient files from the 1950s and 60s which reveal this world-renowned university allowed military doctors and scientists to experiment freely on unwitting Montrealers -- including children - to develop brainwashing techniques now being used on prisoners in torture camps like Guantanamo.
But back to Ellen aka MKUltraGirl.

Coming across a movie shot in an Oklahoma mental hospital in 1956 and a two-second clip of a dark-haired woman, Ellen swears this woman is her mother Emma being electro-shocked by a paunchy doctor who can only be Dr Ewan (sic) Cameron. No proof, no explanation as to how her mother ended up in Oklahoma with Dr. Cameron, who was based at the Allan Memorial at the time -- 2500 km. away. Ellen claims to be an expert in photography with an interest in forensics. Drawing on her expertise, any 30-something brunette on a table could be her mother.

But -- oops -- the film ends with a disclaimer stating all persons appearing in it are actors:

No one denies her family album photos are genuine, or that she looks a lot like her mother Emma. Nor would anyone deny Ellen the right to "self identify" as the girl on the gurney. But when you involve yourself in legal actions, proof is decisive.

Altering evidence is a serious offense in the eyes of the law. It can even get your case thrown out of court. Evidence tampering aka "spoliation" is when a person "alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence" in an investigation. It's also closely related to FRAUD. False evidence, fabricated evidence, forged evidence or tainted evidence is information created or obtained illegally, to sway the verdict in a court case.
And since when can you lay claim to another person's photo because you resemble that person, pretend you "are" legally that person and collect damages on their behalf? Initially, Ellen had planned to sue publishers for copyright violation in using her image on their websites --  not so easy to pull off when you can't prove you own the photo.
There's a law prohibiting use of another person's image for personal gain: "As a general matter, you should never use someone's name or photograph in advertising or promotion of your website or blog without permission." 
In fact, that's what Ellen has done by using another little girl's photo to promote her cause and become famous. And it's illegal.

But thanks to her relentless determination and publicity skills, the MkUltragirl campaign has been a roaring success. "Everyone has heard of me," boasted Atkin recently. But then, hyperbole comes to her naturally, and overstatements roll off her tongue like boulders on the road to Whistler. It doesn't help that she salts her pages with clickbait from wacko Conspiro-tainment sites.
Someday, real survivors could pick up the tab for Ellen's online antics.

Zero Hedge bought her story in May 2018, bringing fake legitimacy to her story which ultimately backfired on survivors.
Not only has she faked her own case, she has also poste SAAGA (Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse) videos at her site, placed them behind a pay wall, and tried to raise funds for herself on the back of the class action.

Julie Gold of SAAGA (the Montreal class action group which is suing the CIA, Canadian government, and McGill University) recently posted a warning to members to be leery of Ellen Atkin and called her an “internet fraudster” -- 

At her blog MkultraGirl re-stakes her claim: 

"By now it is safe to assume that everybody knows that I lay claim to that image. Others come, others go. Nothing has changed from my POV. IMO, I made the correct decisions from day one. I planted a flag and stood my ground. Others come, others go."
You'd never know there was such a thing as facts, accuracy, reasonable proof, Her belief in her own omnipotence is embarrassing, almost quaint. Her blog posts roar like tantrums. Interviewers have told me they have "problems" with her facts, but feel sorry for her and give her the benefit of the doubt. Listening to her ramble, you get the feeling she's choking on her own inflated lies, releasing them like balloons and making up more as she goes.
At her blog, she throws out racial theories, apocalyptic predictions, religious jive, Flat Earth dogma. Big Foot stalks her world, as do aliens, and the ever present Evil Dr. Mengele. She, aka Ultra Girl, is planning to overthrow the Matrix in the name of Tis and victims generation. Cosmic Revenge is just around the corner. The universe whispers to her through synchronicities only she can hear. She is the love goddess, endlessly lusted after, and also the real-life inspiration behind Eleven in "Stranger Things."
Her talent for disinfo could threaten the credibility of all who grew up inside MKULTRA and are trying to expose its workings.

It would be cruel to deny her fantasies, even though they would never get past the dullest high school newspaper editor. I used to edit my high school paper -- maybe that's why I feel the need to point all this out.
She makes no bones about where her ideas come from:
"We all make decisions to get along; Go along to get along. I saw a bumper sticker the other day, “Fit in or Fuck Off”. Not sure if that applies to their kid’s friends, general life philosophy or immigrants. In any case, time has always blessed those with that motto more so than the radical urban intelligentsia crowd that I hail from."

Last I heard she was living in a trailer park with alcoholics and drug addicts.

I stumbled across another photo, which I believe is of Dr. Josef Mengele, in 1949, taken at a notorious Quebec City mental hospital where Duplessis orphans were incarcerated, abused, tortured and even killed in heinous medical experiments. For several reasons, I think it's Mengele -- but people at the Montreal Holocaust Centre laughed and shrugged when I showed them the image. In the first place it's too small for clear identification -- but it certainly looks like him.
Ellen Atkin argues the boy in the wheelchair being examined by Mengele in this photo is her father at age 14. That's also on her MkultraGirl blog, and is part of her "case" -- even though it's highly unlikely a young Ontario boy would end up at a French Catholic hospital in Quebec in that era.

These photos have nothing to do with each other! Yet Ellen would like us to think they prove her family are Mengele victims. The haircuts are similar, I'll give them that.

Through more“magic of photography” Ellen has created another misleading juxtaposition –  first, there’s her dad in a wheelchair in 1949 with Mengele leaning over him, and then here’s her dad all grown up holding Ellen as a baby and her old sister in 1962. The first photo is from my blog, and was copied from the yearbook of a Quebec City hospital. The second is from the Atkin family album. Simple math and common sense tell us that if John Atkin’s nervous breakdown happened after age 16, in 1939 or 40, then he can’t be the 14 year old boy in the wheelchair in the photo taken in Quebec with Josef Mengele in the late 1940s.  

One person's photographic proof is someone else's cause for skepticism, or even ridicule. Mengele can be inserted everywhere, for shock effect. He will bring you clicks.


Which brings me to Leonard Cohen, my famous former neighbor, whom Ellen claims I stalked, just as I am now stalking her.
"She stalked Leonard Cohen for years. Even Kelly Lynch, Cohen’s ex disgruntled manager, won’t talk to Ann Diamond any more. Nor will the Cohen children or family. Many survivors have reported stories of Ann Diamond belittling them, forcing her new age religion on them and stealing their stories for her books/ articles."
Kelley Lynch even tried to set Ellen straight on whether I stalked Leonard -- I didn't -- but Ellen deleted her comment before continuing:
"Now that she has squeezed out as much attention as she can from the dead Leonard Cohen, she needs another vehicle and it appears to be me."
About a decade before he died, I came into possession of a photo of a man in what appears to be a sensory isolation experiment. This photo was captioned "McGill Hebb experiment, McGill 1951" and featured a man I suspect is Leonard Cohen. Since Cohen told me in 1982 (and also told others including his ex-manager Kelley Lynch and her mother) he was in sensory isolation tanks in the MKULTRA program, and as he was an undergraduate at McGill in 1951, I think I'm justified in arguing it could very well be him. In all those years it was up on my blog, where it became my most popular post, Leonard never complained or asked me to take it down -- as he was prone to do with stuff that offended him, Therefore, I think it's safe to say he didn't disagree or consider it defamatory.
And he certainly never accused me of "stalking him," We were friends, neighbours, and fellow students of Sasaki Roshi, Our relationship was cordial. When he passed on in 2016, I was asked to talk about him on local and national radio and TV.

As for "stalking MkUltraGirl" -- I'm the person who suggested she join the SAAGA class action in the first place.


Me, Ann Diamond ca April 1954



Various people have claimed to be the child in the "Strain All Urine" photo, Only one so far has a forensic study to back up her claim including childhood school photos that match her facial features and even clothing details to those of the child in the photo.

This anonymous woman - who fears reprisals if she goes public, knows where and when the photo was taken. She was born into an elite American extended family with all the pedigrees connecting them to Deep State military interests and also US government reaching all the way to the State Department, powerful generals, and the White House.

Facts matter. Histories matter. There were thousands of child MKULTRA victims. We all need to come together and make this horror story known to the world.