I'll just recap the facts.
In 2016 Ellen Atkin discovered a photo of a little girl on line and recognized the drugged child strapped to the table as herself. She named her "MKUltraGirl" and began lobbying for ownership of the image -- and the rights to compensation for its use on websites and blogs. She even rewrote the original typewritten caption to include her name, thereby (in her own mind at least) staking a claim on the photo, which had mysteriously originated in US government classified files from 1973 submitted to the Frank Church hearings into MKULTRA experiments conducted on US citizens.
Ellen Atkin is not a US citizen and at no time has she ever provided an explanation as to how as a Canadian child growing up in London, Ontario she became part of a US government document collection.
I wrote an article in 2020 detailing the steps she took to turn herself into "that famous little girl" in the classified photo. I posted the article on my blog with the title "Anatomy of a Fraud." By that time, Atkin had managed to bamboozle a whole string of podcast hosts and hostesses with her story, and was turning up in search engines as MKUltraGirl.
Meanwhile, I had received a series of emails from an American woman who became aware of "MKUltraGirl" through the internet. This woman had known for years about the photo, since she was the little girl pictured, On learning of Ellen's viral campaign, she commissioned a 14-page forensic study, paid for out of her own pocket. The analysis and report conclusively proved - via a comparison of her childhood and adult photos with the classified photo from the laboratory - that she was indeed that child.
Details such as matching facial contours, identical clothing (frilled collar), position of a mole under her left eye, and one collapsed nostril -- are all clearly visible in both the original photo, her school photo at age 8, and a photo of her as an adult taken from the same angle as the classified image
Nevertheless, in 2022 Ellen Atkin launched a GiveSendGo campaign in a last-ditch attempt to prove, via her own forensic study, that she is the child in the photo and all other "contenders" are fakes.
You can stop holding your breath, because at last the results are in. Of course, Atkin refuses to publish them, while admitting they're "inconclusive" and of course she blames the poor quality of the original government photo for her failure to prove her case. After all, "proof" is only for crybabies and spoilsports.
Thanks to all the generous supporters. This fundraiser is now closed. The results are inconclusive, which should lay to rest all the crying about “proof”. Using the top “experts” at Ideal Innovations INC, there isn’t enuf quality on this image (unless we can get a high resolution image) to get a good comparison. I felt this top tier CIA approved company was necessary to enlist as a means of “proof”. What is next? Hypnotic regression. Let me know if you can recommend someone. In the meantime, we fight against the guvs and create safe spaces for victims of MK Ultra to speak about their traumas.
Ironically, now that her campaign has collapsed, Ellen Atkin aka MkUltraGirl has finally managed to get my libelous, envious, livelihood-wrecking 2020 blogpost "MKULTRAGIRL: Anatomy of a Fraud" removed by Google.

Can't say we didn't see it coming. And now maybe we can all wave goodbye to MKUltraGirl --
Just in time for Halloween.